Thursday, February 18

The Shakedown

Well I've driven the Wagen a fair bit over the last week. Surrey to Abbotsford, around Abbotsford and to West Vancouver, West Vancouver to Surrey and a little more around the Fraser Valley. No issues... well, I stalled on Cambie and Georgia in Downtown Vancouver but that's my own fault. I let the Tank get a little too low. Oops.

After departing Vancouver to head to Kamloops for what was my first time driving the Coquilhalla Highway solo; I stopped in Hope just for a top-up of Gas because after Hope there's pretty much sweet F.A. until you get to Merritt. Everything went smoothly until about 100km South of Kamloops, my Left Front tire blew.

So I managed to get my Uncle to come out and assist me and now I'm back in Kamloops.

Assembled the shopping list of supplies and things I need to get for the Car and next week I'll get that purchased. Also pricing out some new Tires.

In addition, I've now secured an Apartment in Goose Bay so all I have to do now is pack up and ship out!

So far, my expected Co-Pilot hasn't said that he's 100% going so I'll be checking in to that.

All in all, the date of departure is getting here rather quickly.

Oh yeah! I'm trying to think of a name for the Wagen. So far I have a couple possibilities: Olga, Helga, Sybille, Freida and Hilda. Trying to stick with the Euro theme... she is a Volkswagen after all. Open to suggestions!