Friday, March 26

Ouch, my neck!

Well folks... yesterday we had a nice start to the day with the most amazing Breakfast I've ever had at L'Accent. Seriously, for $12.95 you can get the L'Accent Brunch and it comes with pretty much EVERYTHING you could want for Breakfast on one plate.

After that we wandered back up to the Old City to grab a couple T-shirts emblazoned with some offensive Quebecois on them. So, with our newly acquired souveniers and full stomachs we proceeded to head towards the Plains of Abraham. We get to the intersection to turn in to the Park and oncoming traffic stops to let me turn. The lane next to the stopped car looked clear so I turned, before I could react, a newish Audi A4 nailed me and spun me a good 100 degrees to be facing the direction he was going.

I didn't manage to grab a picture of the damage on the Audi, but my poor beloved Gretchen is written off.

So there you have it. The grand finale of Gretchen.

Now I'm working on a solution to get to Sept Iles, QC where my company can pick me up and fly me to Goose Bay.

Jon is busing to Guelph, ON today to start heading back to BC. It was great having him along on this trip as I doubt I would have made it this far without him.

More updates to come as I change modes of transport and hit some new turf I've never ventured across before!

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